Hi Gramps, I still cannot believe that you are not longer with us, I knew though when I left you in that hopsital that you just wanted to be reunited with Nan. I hope that you enjoyed that walk that you dreamed about, hand in hand down the beach together, you can enjoy an infinity together now in paradise, free of pain with no pills to taken an unlimited supply of cigars and cigarettes and as much custard and ice cream as you like without having to worry about your sugar levels because apparently you were a diabetic, I remember you mentioning this a few times. I wanted to thank you for everything that you have done for me during my lifetime. I am so proud of how you have coped since we tragically lost Nan, I felt like I have grown so much closer to you spending precious time with you in Spain. I used to love visiting you and taking you to places like the Garden centre, I used to love spending time with you in the villa, listening to your stories with Nan that you talked about like they had happened yesterday. I will never forget the time that you asked me to clean the pond out for you, you told Mum that you didnt think I would be able to do it and I will never forget the look on your face when you saw what a cracking job I had done, it was then I think you realised I may have the potential to be your little apprentice. I remember when we were kids you used to tell us that your tablets were your Superman pills, well you really were my Superman and I know now that you and Nan will be looking down on me keeping me safe and well. Well apart from the shaky leg syndrome one other thing I get from my Mum is that I am terrible at goodbyes, I know though that you will always have a place in my heart. Love you always and forever, Your little apprentice, Neil x